
How We Got Here


The climate narratives we have inherited are shaped by decades of misinformation and greenwashing — a legacy where scientific consensus has been overshadowed by strategic manipulation. Our understanding of environmental issues has been influenced by powerful entities seeking to downplay the severity of the crisis, promote green initiatives to distract, or shift the blame onto individuals. This historical distortion has created a landscape where the true complexity and urgency of the climate crisis can be obscured, making it all the more essential for us to cut through the noise and construct a more accurate, informed and action-oriented narrative around the climate crisis and what needs to be done to solve it.

In recent years, greenwashing has become increasingly pervasive, evolving into a sophisticated marketing strategy used by many companies to capitalize on the growing environmental consciousness of the public. Greenwashing happens when companies make inflated claims about their sustainability practices — motivated by the appeal of increased sales and a bolstered image — even when their actual sustainability commitments are negligible or non-existent. From vague eco-friendly labels to misleading advertisements, large-scale greenwashing campaigns are used by individual businesses as well as major companies, including the fossil fuel industry. 

The consequences of greenwashing hinder genuine sustainability efforts, erode public trust, and stymie meaningful climate action. As communicators, consumers and stakeholders, it's crucial to discern between genuine green initiatives and corporate posturing —  instead demanding greater transparency and accountability from businesses.

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Climate Misinformation

Over 99.9% of scientists agree that the climate crisis is real and caused by humans – a consensus which is not necessarily reflected in public consciousness and media discourses, where misinformation and disinformation about climate change persist. For decades, the fossil-fuel industry has exploited the public's misunderstanding of scientific language for its benefit, leading to confusion and doubt around climate change.
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In recent years, greenwashing has risen for a number of reasons, including increased climate commitments, consumers seeking to buy more sustainable products, and employees feeling attracted to work for companies with strong sustainability credentials.
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